Whales, and koalas, and platypus, oh my!

In August 2005, I'll finally take my dream trip to Australia. This blog will focus on the planning, taking, and recovering from this trip. A few related side notes are likely as the trip is not until August and who knows what will happen.

Location: San Jose, California, United States

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Planning progress and other fun

Looking at specific flight times has caused me to juggle the schedule a little bit. Rather than flying from Adelaide to Cairns and then working my way south to Brisbane, I will fly to Brisbane and work my way north. This will let me add a day each in Sydney and Cairns and still be on Heron Island for the full moon reef walk. The Cairns addition is to allow for a platypus watching trip, a great chance to see them in the wild. Cairns is the first location for which I have a hotel reservation. I'll be at the Outrigger.

This past Saturday marked my first whale watch of the year and it was rather successful. We had at least four gray whales, but none of them was very cooperative. A mixed pod of Risso's and Pacific White-Sided dolphins came right up to the boat, exciting everyone including the crew. This was the first time I got a chance to speak about these species and it got me thinking even more about adding to my species list this year when I finally get to Oz.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sandy,
I am so envious! Sounds like you've done your usual great job of planning everything way out in advance. I'm still in awe of our french expeditions.

Sorry I've been out of touch for so long, but the new job turns out to be very time consuming (which I love). Want to come?

I have no travel plans at present (this year was new car year), but next year I'm doing the Colorado rafting trip. I mean it this time.

Be well.


4:23 PM  

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